Monday, October 27th, 2008

Reading and Grammar- Click, Clack, Moo Day 1 TE PASS-

Math- We reviewed skip-counting.  Many students did not grasp the concept and it is an essential component for multiplication in 3rd grade so I wanted to readdress skip-counting 3s and 4s.  We completed 3s today and will finish up with 4s tomorrow.

Social Studies- We reviewed Neighborhoods and Communities to lead into lesson 5 tomorrow.

1st hour seniors were gone. the remaining students completed a word search, counted tickets, and counted fundraiser money.


2nd hour students obtained  employment information from classified ads. Pass 1.2.2,7.1.2

3rd hour had quite a few gone on Mrs. Parks trip. Those left completed word searches or finished the assignment from last week.

5th hour students prepared for difficult interview questions by writing responses to questions that interviewers might ask. PASS 1.2.2

6th hour students took a pop quiz over their consumer rights and responsibilities.

7th hour students identified common areas requiring a personal decision and factors that affect that decision. PASS 2.2,3.1,1.3

 Reading/Language Arts

Picture Book: I Love School!

Skills reviewed: Onset/Rime Blending, Word Blending, Identifying Characters,

New High Frequency Word: he

Robust Vocabulary Words: proceed, announced, gasped

 New Activity: Children made words using magnetic letters & wrote the words down on paper to see how many words they could make. The children used the letters: n, m, t, p, r, s, & a.

PASS Objectives: Language Arts: Reading/Listening: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 4, 4.1, 5.2, 6, 6.1 Oral Language: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 3.2 Writing/Grammar: 2.2.     


Skill- Adding one and two by counting on.

Activities- We practiced using a number line together in class. Then we did lesson 9.1 together in class. They did the independent practice page for a grade.

Reflection- They did this easily. It should be an easy week!

PASS- 3.1a Use models to construct addition and subtraction facts through 10, 3.1b Perform addition by joining sets of objects and subtraction by separating and by comparing sets of objects.

Language Arts

Focus- Reading and Spelling: Short u. Grammar: Nouns, animals or things.

Activities- Today we chorally read our “warm up” story and our story of the week. They wrote their spelling words in their agenda. They did a word sort with their spelling words and did a phonics practice sheet with short u words.

Reflection- They are doing well with the short u sound. They are doing much better “cold” reading.

PASS- Standard 2.4 Segment and blend the phonemes of one-syllable words, 3.1a Use short and long vowel patterns, 3.1c use blends, digraphs, and diphthongs, 5.1 Read regularly in independent-level text effortlessly, and with expression.

PASS – Estimate and find the product of 2- and 3-digit numbers to solve application problems.

Students took a test today over 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication.

Tech – I stayed with the middle school students who were unable to go on the incentive trip.

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