Skill – Rounding decimals to the hundredths place.

Pass – Doesn’t directly address pass.

Bellwork – Math Minute 7, 5’s multiplication sheet.

Lesson – I went over the bellwork on the board and then reviewed rounding to the tenths. I had students practice rounding these on a scrap piece of paper as I wrote problems on the board. I then reviewed rounding to the hundredths. I spent a little more time on this because I worked on the tenths place more yesterday. I had to spend quite a bit of time showing students how to round the decimal when there was a 9 that had to round up. I showed them how to think of it as carrying the number.

Assignment – Students had an edhelper sheet that was rounding to the hundredths only.

Reflections: The students did pretty well except with the 9 scenario. I think most of them understood it better by the time I finished. I checked over their papers as they were turning them in, and with the exception of a few mistakes they did well. I did have to spend a little more time reexplaining to a few. It will be harder tomorrow because they will be rounding to the tenths and hundredths on the same paper. They’ll have to pay a little more attention to each question.

Tech: Scheduled edutest for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math… had to fix a few glitches (students not enrolled correctly)… Worked on getting the reading program (splash into phonics) up and running … UNSUCCESSFUL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!.. Worked on setting gt computers to print and get online…. Looked at a computer with the sound messed up (need to call tomorrow)… Had Don back all firmware for wireless pts. back down to 5.5….. Helped fix printer issues with the Alexandria server…Tried charging a few batteries from old 7th grade laptops to use on teacher laptops that have poor batteries….

6th & 7th Hours – A few students had language, science, and math to work on but most were finished and wanted to work on their postcards. We received our first postcard from another school today. About 7 – 10 students finished their postcards in pages. I edited these and added them to my laptop so that I could print them on Mrs. Cross’ printer. A few of these were really GOOD… I was pleasantly surprised. The writing was TERRIBLE though. I know these students have been taught punctuation and correct sentence structure but WOW…. Maybe we need to find a writing program to implement during study skills.